
Employee of the year!

As owners of the Hostel we are frequently asked if we appreciate how lucky we are to have such good staff.  Which of course we are. We were therefore delighted when our Manager, Nick Owen, was shortlisted for the Employee of the Year category within the 2018 Cumbria Family Business Awards.

Regular guests will know that Nick was Manager before we took over the Hostel, and that he stayed with us throughout the transition and has now worked at the Hostel for an incredible 25 years.

Nick, nominated for Employee of the Year

Just as we were starting our first season as an Independent Hostel, in March 2014, Nick was seriously injured in a cycling accident, and was out of action for more than six months. Throughout his recovery period he was determined to help us create a successful business. The following year he experienced a family tragedy, the death of his wife Deborah after a short illness. Nick’s commitment to the Hostel never wavered, and aware of what he has been through, we are even more appreciative of the loyalty, dedication and enthusiasm, which he brings to his work. We value immensely his knowledge and experience.

Nick is an experienced mountaineer and mountain rescuer and has been leader of the Langdale Ambleside Mountain Rescue Team for the past 10 years.   

His off-duty time is often absorbed by his work with the mountain rescue team, which had more than 100 callouts in the past year.

We know that he brings to those duties the same calm and efficient leadership qualities that make him such an effective manager here. No matter what unexpected situations arise, we have every confidence that Nick will be able to deal with them!

Nick, also a great cook!

This year, Nick has managed extensive washroom refurbishments and, and handled the replacement of a disintegrating boiler. All the while, keeping things running smoothly at the hostel, managing our small team, and keeping guests well fed (his Sticky Toffee pudding is a particular favourite), and sharing his extensive Lake District knowledge to ensure everyone makes the most of their stay.

The award will be decided on a combination of judging and public support, and we’d love to see Nick recognised for his hard work.